Sunday, February 7, 2010

Getting ready to see my grandson

I will leave to see my grandson, E, on Friday.  He lives 4 hours away.  So this weekend I had to make him something.  I have been into repurposing fabric lately.  I cannot tell my latest creation until next weekend.  It is nothing spectacular but my son will like it.  I hope to get one more thing done by Friday.  I will post pictures next weekend.

Last year I lost 45 pounds and the holidays brought out my sweet tooth again and I have been gaining weight again and I will not gain all that weight back.  I bought a Wii gaming system this weekend and have been following the AE Active Personal Trainer.  I don't want to diet for the rest of my life.  Walking the dog was not burning enough calories.  Well Sadie does stop and sniff a bit, so I do stop and go walking and even though  I do walk a few miles a day it is not enough.  Anyhow I am a bit sore after two days into my 30 day challenge.

Here is a picture of Sadie in the snow that fell over the holidays.

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